by nyceve on Tue pic post sex

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by nyceve on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 08:28:21 AM PDT [ Parent ]  I Agree With You (none / 1) The Democrats wanted to do a much simpler plan (like paying for the sex first $1000 of prescription drug coverage), but the Republicans sex wanted to make this look like more than it is.   What it is a big doughnut!  Not much substance, not very good for you, and a big hole in the middle.   by eafredel on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 08:34:58 sex AM PDT [ Parent ]  that's not a two-step analysis (none / 0) It's very helpful,and thank you for breaking it down,   but it's a whole hell of a lot more than two steps.  "Try to figure out", "look at plans from", "help you figure out"-- each of those is a challenge in itself.   Realistically,  "talk to your doctor" is about ten steps in itself these days. "Anything that's good for your heart is good for your penis."
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