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No more wasted hours dealing with the stuff like the author did. Macs are beyond amazing. Even better than the iPod, since the iPod does only music, yet a computer does music, pics, video, and work. # layne: Really enjoying the comments...while I\'m no dummy when it comes to software/security etc., I\'m open mike night starting to get a little more into what\'s running on my comp (firefox got the ball open mike night rolling)...anyhow, although this isn\'t really the open mike night place for this post, I am thinking about replacing XP with Xandros...aside from the faqs and forums on the Xandros site, are there any good, thorough laymen\'s tutorials for people who want to switch their OSs? # Macslut: Wouldn't it have been faster to have gotten a part time job paying minimum wage, saved the money and bought your mom a Macintosh?