by eafredel on Tue ascii art farts rape videos

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by eafredel on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:25:07 AM PDT  Yes (none / 0) And, if I'm not mistaken, AARP has rape videos been kicking themselves ever since over it. Tom Coburn is a Big Fat Jerk by cookiebear on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:26:39 rape videos AM PDT [ Parent ]  Yes, I think they must know . . . (none / 0) that it's a train wreck rape videos waiting to happen. I've been reading that lots of seniors may not sign up, too confusing and they are fearful that it probably isn't at all what is being advertised. by nyceve on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:32:49 AM PDT [ Parent ]  Okay. This is true (none / 1) I forgot AARP sold out the seniors, you're correct. Forgive me. by nyceve on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:27:18 AM PDT [ Parent ]  No Problem (none / 0) Believe me, I am handling Medicare Part D issues for several clients and it is confusing (and I am an employee benefits lawyer).
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