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I keep a copy of Acronis True Image on my flash jennifernew drive and a CD. jennifernew I add a second "secure"(can't be seen by the operating system, only by ATI) partition using ATI, then back up the OS partition to an image file on this secure partition. Later, if any disaster (other than hard drive failure) occurs, my mom can restore her system in 10 minutes herself by following my "written" instructions to restore the OS from the image file. # Christopher: I found this very helpful. I don't have problems with virii or spyware jennifernew so much, but I hate how much software loads when I start my computer, and now I know how turn off the junk I don't need. Thanks! # Marc Erickson: I would like to suggest the AV I install on my customers' computers when they need a free AV solution - avast! 4.5 It has good logging, autoupdates, scans most chat and file sharing program downloads, gives audible notification of AV updates and of viral infection.