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Wouldn't it have been more enjoyable to spend that time with your mother instead of her computer? # ascii art farts Bruce: All you smartasses pushing the "Buy Mom a Mac" and "How much is your time worth" lines are missing an important point. When "Mom" clags her Windows computer with indiscriminate browsing, she knows she's stuffed up and comes to you apologetic and hoping you can extract her from the ascii art farts excrement. It is a wonderful opportunity to reverse the power dynamic from childhood. Sure, if you spend 8 hours at work sorting ascii art farts something out you'd want money, but when you do it for Mom's computer during your holidays, she's doting on you the whole time, bringing a constant stream of delicacy's, Dad's sitting in the corner greatful that you aren't mentioning all the porn sites you've found, and both are reaffirming for themselves that you are smart AND useful.