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No other popup blocker is needed. It means some links require the ctrl key to be pressed, but I have found no other software to stop all popups without a similar setup. Stay current on software. Automatically update software wherever possible. Check for optional updates in Windows Update, too. Windows Firewall Exceptions -- Incoming connections only allowed for: - AOL Instant Messenger - MSN jokes Messenger All other incoming jokes connections are blocked, such as File and Printer Sharing. Spybot is only run once to find and fix problems, then uninstalled. No benefit has jokes been found having Spybot installed once the computer is clean and all the other controls are in place, Not everything Spybot finds is a problem. Be very careful with its registry updates. You can hurt yourself here just like any other utility that updates the registry. # Phil: P.S. I use AVG Pro or Kaspersky Anti virus (not free) on my computers, but I also use the free online scan from
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