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Other insurance woes. My husband left teen rape a Great job back in WI earlier this year for what was to be a "great opportunity" here at a college in NY. At his six month eval, he was "non renewed" for completely bogus non reasons (his direct supervisor, is, well, what is popular these teen rape days, a crony...another subject for another teen rape diary someday on the complete incompetence and corruption at most SUNY schools)  He is under contract until february, so he continues his salary and medical coverage, but come february, if we do not have another job in place, I just might have a nervous breakdown! He was diagnosed with diabetes this past summer, and just ONE of his three drugs is like 200.00 a month. Add the other two and we're up to about 300.00 a month. This doesnt even include the obscene amt for testing materials which could add up to 150-200 a month!
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