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Bush knows nothing about logistics and such, but he's got Norman Schwarzkopf, Tommy Franks, and other military folks who have moved hundreds of thousands of tranq. nguyen people on speed dial and they can do the most of it while Bush issues direct orders to cut through the BS. Rudy and others responding to emergencies (Richard Riordan in LA in 1994; San Antonio's Mayor during tranq. nguyen their flooding, Daley in Chicago's flooding will all tell you the same thing: have one guy in charge, the top guy, and move NOW to cut through BS and Bureaucratic indifference like Chertoff's, Blanco's, etc to tranq. nguyen get things done. Bush knows this and chose not to fight Blanco politically to save lives. You need one guy in charge and when Blanco had failed as it was clear by late Wed he needed to step in personally to save people. These failures are high-level political, as usual. Most of it Nagins, then Blanco, then finally Bush. Is this the magic bullet to "unseat" Bush. No. Frankly most of white middle class America looks at the reports of utter savagery by the thugs out of the projects (who have preyed on New Orleans for decades, sadly) and this makes them if anything MORE Republican.