Nothing she says.  Ummmm. pictures blog

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 Nothing she says.  Ummmm. Don't quite believe that. It was either sign up then, or not sign up ever.  And I could drop anytime I liked. Again, Ummmmm.  So I signed up and my drugs started costing $10 a presciption.  No blog deductible.  Good deal. BUT NOW, they blog are once again sending me drug plans.  Have I signed up already blog for the new Medicare plan by going along with this program?  Do I have to agree again? WHO KNOWS!!!!!  I certainly don't. But strongly suspect that my intial agreement will not carry over and now they will take away all coverage if I do not switch to Bush's favorite corporate give away.   by GrandmaJ on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 08:39:00 AM PDT  GrandmaJ, it strikes me as a bait and switch scam (none / 0) I think this is what we may see play out. I'm particularly concerned about what will happen when a senior must change drugs but the formularly doesn't allow it. by nyceve on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 08:52:36 AM PDT [ Parent ]  Welcome....
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