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In figuring, my uncle was paying at least 3 times the cost of what I was paying in NY for my mom's exact same meds that my aunt needs. The healthcare in this country is ridiculous. If you're old and on a fixed income it really does come activism down to a matter of medication or eating. by kishik on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:55:05 AM PDT activism Drug prices need to be set by law and (none / 0) not negotiated. Drugs that are on patent need to be limited to three times activism the cost of the closest off-patent drug considering manufacturing process and structure in that order. Drugs that are off-patent need to be limited to the lowest market price or government negotiated price found in an OCED? country. by SingleVoter on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 08:07:08 AM PDT Right. Set by law. (none / 0) Try convincing the lobbyists of that! What a sick country we live in!