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Democrats give you the Bill of Rights; Republicans sell you a bill of goods! by barbwires on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:38:21 AM PDT You described it in a nutshell (none / 0) Frankly, it's criminal. To put senior citizens through such an ordeal, is beyond outrageous. And let me tell you something it is the next scandal waiting to happen. They'll be more jail, more special presecutors. Mark my words! by nyceve on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:44:09 AM PDT [ Parent ] And if you are like me... (none / 1) ...get ready for all the elderly, Bush supporting, Republicans in the family to call and ask you to explain it (you--the family liberal know-it-all they ignore, unless they need their PC, microwave oven, cable TV, cordless phone, etc., figured out). I am SOOO tempted to just say: In a nutshell Granny, you're screwed.