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The misery it 2005 will bring could out-Katrina, Katrina. The complexity is fearsome. And I wish some brilliant Kossacks would figure out the real, scandalous intent above and beyond the K Street giveaways. by nyceve 2005 on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:52:13 AM PDT [ Parent ] It is a joke (none / 1) I'm on medicare/disability but don't qualify for these drug breaks- I'm on disability, my husband works for home depot and he's on more meds than me. We own our mobile home and because he has about 10K in a 401 we're considered over the limit. 2005 Mind you that 10k will barely survive one medical crisis let alone serve much purpose for anything now a days. Home Depot has a modest drug program which I've been able to tag on but the Drug Companies rule one way or another and will bleed the working poor, disabled and senior citizens dry. roseeriter "Time is for careful people, not passionate ones" by roseeriter on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:51:15 AM PDT Why does the Medicare web site ask for your .