Tim Hutchinson. Vitter was angryat ktb

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Tim Hutchinson. Vitter was the largest recipient of funds from Beriwal. The Chairman of Dewberry Sidney Dewberry, the Vice Chairman, Barry K. Dewberry, and Secretary of the ktb firm, Michael Dewberry have been substantial contributors to George W. Bush, Virginia Sen. John ktb Warner, the National Republican Congressional Committee, Sen. Shelby, "Every Republican is Crucial" Political Action Committee, Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia (also fingered in the Duke Cunningham MZM, Inc. scandal), Virginia Sen. George Allen, Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf, Virginia Rep. Tom Davis, Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the Republican ktb National Committee, and the Federal Victory Fund of Annandale, VA controlled by Tom Davis.
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