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Did anyone in the Bush administration, F.E.M.A., etc. even suggest something like this? Buses would've gotten tied up in traffic with everyone evacuating by road that could get out, but trains can move large amounts of people very efficiently avoiding the road network. Even if none of this occurred to them then why didn't anyone at least think of the Navy's jerusalem blogs amphibious assult ships to evacuate by sea everyone from the flood jerusalem blogs caused by the breached levee system? I realize that the ships could not have been in the Gulf jerusalem blogs in the teeth of the hurricane, but someone with more forethought than what we saw displayed in the administration's "reaction" to this crisis would have gotten them ready and sailing empty when 'Katrina' was entering the Gulf, so that they could be steaming into the Gulf behind the hurricane at a safe enough distance and by the next day each amphib. assult ship would be sitting just off the coast and each sending in their dozen or so flat-bottomed landing craft which can run right up to the beach, load fifty or sixty survivors on board and then ferry them