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cold hard facts of biology israel podcast and other israel podcast disciplines) are contradicted in the Bible. (I will not even bother to mention some of the ridiculous things that have come out of her mouth regarding dragons, floods and the age of the planet.)(Now ex-)Wifey and I divorced because she was in love with someone else, and had committed adultery with that person. MIL was ever so happy that her daughter had broken my heart and our home. nota bene: 'mother in law' is an anagram for 'woman hitler'. (loup-garou, Mon israel podcast 12 Sep 2005, 13:54) Mabel Del Taco Hey there Anagram lover! Your name is an anagram of "Taco balled me". (browser, Mon 12 Sep 2005, 13:32) my ex m.i.l. was a little 5ft tall, 45lb weakling. she was also a psychotic freak who took her anti-psycho pills whenever she felt like it, so she often double dosed. she washed the pills down with booze while she smoking a joint, then promptly fell over somewhere and had a nap.