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I eventually accident driving drunk got into using my own PC, learning what I could, and helping others (for free, naturally). It's also great for me to see here how many women wrote in - at least 4 - and I'm especially appreciative of Heron's title "Girl Geek Extraordinaire." I've been so proud that I installed my own 20G hard drive last accident driving drunk year, and I'm looking accident driving drunk forward to actually rescuing my friend's system with some of your suggestions. Thanks, all! # ck: "The thing about the Mac's market share is not true. I mean Apple does have a smaller market share than Microsoft, but how come there are exactly 0 (zero) virii and spyware? You'd think there should be at least some few?" Exactly. See: and I'm a switch hitter too, but I am also smart enough to see the infallible truth and logic in the above arguments. # ck: oops: # lynn: The only thing you forgot to do after getting 'mother-in-law's' computer cleaned up is to make a "Norton Ghost Image" of the system.