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What I wanted to say: “While I respect and admire the fact that you love and are mixed marriage proud mixed marriage of your child, give it a rest! You want to see her face during the day? One or two photos will suffice, and maybe you’d stop losing paperwork if you had a square inch or two of your desk that wasn’t covered up with pictures. And all mixed marriage the talk? We KNOW you have a baby. We don’t care. You’re just showing off, trying to make us jealous. All it’s making us is angry.” THURSDAY: 12:00 NOON - Righty, you’re taking a half day so that you can take your daughter up to New York, to meet with an agent and get her into commercials and catalog work. You send out an email to the entire company saying, “I’m out at noon to take my daughter to New York and make her a star!” As you’re about to leave, you can’t find your car keys. “Where are my BMW keys?” you ask.