Heh. (grr_boy, Tue 20 nude excellent

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Heh. (grr_boy, Tue 20 Sep 2005, 13:13) Common as excellent muck,me As a child of about 7 excellent or 8,a mate of mine had come after school for tea,after the fashion of the time.We were excellent having chops,consumed by picking them up by the bone.My friend,who in retrospect isn't really all that posh at all,said "In our house,we have silver paper on the ends of the chops to keep our hands clean." To which my good old dad replied, "In our house we have soap and water.Go and wash your hands" (archroy, Tue 20 Sep 2005, 12:21) Am I posh? I can do that twisty-wrist thing when pouring out wine to stop the drips. I was taught by a Virgin Airlines hostess who by the way also made up the short-fall in her salary by knocking out moody Louis V and Gucci bags!
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