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To stories insist on any less for an unborn child would be to suggest that the lives of stories the unborn are somehow less important than the lives of those who have been born. Do I agree with the bill? Of course not. I am a firm believer in abortion rights, and of the pro-choice movement. But the purpose of this stories bill is not to infringe on the rights (and emotions) of woman, but to highlight the ramifications of granting rights to the unborn. Posted by: Neal | January 08, 2005 at 11:27 AM I cannot believe this!! This is one of the most ridiculos things that I have ever heard of!! I think this guy has way too much spare time!! Find something important to make your cause!! Posted by: AJ | January 08, 2005 at 11:39 AM Maura, Thanks for spreading the word about this. I live in VA and got all my girlfriends to send him nasty emails yesterday. Cosgrove answered. Here is his email: -------------------- Hello: I am Delegate Cosgrove and I wish to respond to the allegations that have been made by those who have emailed and called my office.