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Posted by: Melissa | January press releases 07, 2005 at 05:09 PM Losing a much wanted baby is devastating enough without having to a) tell total strangers about it while you're still newly coping yourself b) having to tell press releases relatives before you've had time to deal with your own physical and emtional well being and c) having to face a possible penalty for breaking a barbaric law that carries with it a fine, and for what ? Would anyone ever dream of expecting a mother press releases who has just lost a child to do something like this ? So then, why should the mother of an unborn child be subjected to it ? Let alone that this flies in the face of women's rights to their own bodies, whether you are prochoice or in favor of right to life laws (and I am torn between the two, so I don't feel that I am biased one way or the other), this is violation of a parent's privacy.