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office pissing themselves laughing at my silently agressive reply. Given with a completely straight face and sharp, rapier wit.One of the others in the office chirps up over the jeff sharlet laughter "Who, what? who looks like shit now?"VN: "Oh me, apparently. I look like shit accoring to (my actual name here). Don't I"?Me: "Yep, got that straight!"Utter, jeff sharlet utter class. (Panteneman, Tue 18 Oct 2005, 20:32) Fathers... I think they can mess you up My Dad was first class at the guilt trip thing. He'd cheerfully leave me with strangers I'd never met, to be bullied, harassed and terrorised once he'd left for a six month jaunt as a holiday rep. Eventually I persuaded my nan to take custody of me, got it all through the courts, and told him. Was 11 at the time.In spite of this...At 18 my nan died. Thankfully I'd just got my first job so I soon had a paycheck.
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