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I live in Chesapeake, (Rep. Cosgrove's district) and I have had a close family member suffer a miscarriage (She also lives in Chesapeake). It was a family tragedy and everyone rallied around to provide comfort and support. Calling the Police was the last thing on anyone's mind. The sheer idoicy of art director this Bill and the professed "reason" defy any rational logic. I completely agree with you art director on this issue and want to help. I posted the proposed bill on FreeRepublic (yes, I am a regular there, art director yes, I know, so little in common), and the response has been terrific and 100% against the Bill. (maybe we all do have a little more in common than we think) Posted by: SilentServiceCPO | January 07, 2005 at 08:45 PM This is ridiculous This should not be a crime how is one to grieve in this situation Posted by: M. David Snyder | January 07, 2005 at 09:51 PM SilentService, that's good to hear. We can all unite on this, I think. Posted by: Anne M. | January 07, 2005 at 09:52 PM Bravo SilentServiceCPO.