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We're not Virginians, but hopefully some bad press will help. Posted by: Corrine | January 07, 2005 at 06:14 PM I'm a california drunk driving defense attorney Canadian woman, who has for a long time disliked the religious right... And now I have this to say: Excuse california drunk driving defense attorney me? You're kidding me, right? Right? This isn't just some sick twisted joke is it? This is too sick to be for real! If this becomes reality... I shudder to think about what will happen next. Posted by: Chikita the Canuck | January 07, 2005 at 06:14 california drunk driving defense attorney PM Yet another reason not to vitist or live in Virginia. Now that the uppity gays have been put in their place, it's time to deal with pregnant women. I don't know who's scarier: this whack-job, or the whack-jobs who voted for him. Posted by: Andrew | January 07, 2005 at 06:33 PM okay, im a 16 yr old brit. i think this is horrific. what if something goes wrong and you cannot report it because you were asleep or something...