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Posted by: Outraged Christian | January 07, 2005 at 06:54 PM outrageously ludicrous, ridiculas, and obserd. This REP needs to get a life, and stop putting his nose into shywife the private lives of shywife others. Posted by: Lisa in PA | January 07, 2005 at 07:24 PM This has just got to be the most horrid thing I have ever seen being proposed. I utterly disgusted with the republican who proposed. Is this what the republican party has come to. shywife This is not what I brought up to belive in. Posted by: concerned_divination | January 07, 2005 at 07:50 PM We need oppo research on this guy Cosgrove. Has he called any male-on-male phone sex lines recently, like his colleague Ed Schrock, who declined to run for re-election as US Rep from some VA district after he was outed?