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I dont live in Virgina, But this would surely ever stop me from moving there publishing if they passed that bill. And I have had a miscarriage thank you very much and no one knew but my doctor and my spouse. Its no one else's buisness. Posted by: Melissa Curley | January 08, publishing 2005 at 07:19 PM I am over 60 and have had a hysterectomy - I seriously doubt that I will be personally impacted by this proposed legislation. The very thought of it, however, makes me cringe. What comes next? The police knock on your door: "Now, publishing Mrs. Smith: you already have two children and obviously didn't want another. What did you do to cause a fetal death? Did you take an exhausting trip to Disney with your family? Did you take prescription medicine for a well-earned migraine? Did you have a glass of wine? Never mind that you had no reason to suspect you might be pregnant.