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Wellesley, Mass., base prices for natural fibers range from essentially zero for moms fucking videos flax, an agricultural byproduct, to between 3¢ and 25¢/lb for jute and kenaf, respectively, which are grown expressly for their fibers. Refined fibers sell moms fucking videos for 15-40¢/lb (around 25¢/lb average) versus 50-75¢/lb for glass fibers. When natural fibers are converted into mats, the price rises to $1.00-1.50/lb. With higher-volume consumption, Busch expects compression molding mat to eventually sell for less than $1/lb. New moms fucking videos sources Facilitating the drive toward natural fibers is the emergence of North American suppliers of mats ready for use in molding or forming. "Europe has had natural-fiber mat facilities. Now with Kafus bringing on line the first full-scale commercial facility in North America, it will be a different story," says Visteon's Kieltyka.
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