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First time I masturbated Linda fucking Evans In a swimming pool with a dancer When the copper told me to get up and get dressed and go home Blowjob on the Grand Canyon railway Sex on a pitcher's fucking mound Getting whipped in lingerie She kicked all the knobs off fucking my dash board Sex in a movie theatre Oral sex from a confused lesbian Sex in a cave Ex's mother Sex with a couple, both of whom I truly loved UA football field Mother/daughter Anal sex w/ best friend's girlfriend while he went out for beer Tit-fucking Train bathroom Two sisters and their mother 24 hours/10 orgasms First visit to social club with wife Tying up partner for first time Train around Disneyland Sex on acid at a Dead show Getting sucked off by a minister Surprised in a limousine Seeing Kevin Danaher's BMW humping that TEP pole Had affair while married First day home with new wife after three months at sea The one time I had anal sex Group sex in mountains on a rainy weekend in trailer Having sex with a beautiful girl on