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Who hasn't come across those kinds of lingerie people? I hope your mom gets better and a better roomate. Kudos to you for taking lingerie such good care of your mom. We all hope someone will be there to take care of us when something bad happens, sounds like your mom has someone wonderful. Posted by: Toni | March 14, 2006 10:59 AM Great you go for it. Sounds like Hell needs a volume. Hope all goes well for you. Posted by: becky | March 14, 2006 10:21 AM OMFG!!! I agree that something needs to be done with this lingerie ole bitch. Posted by: Angel | March 14, 2006 10:17 AM GC, seems like insanity is all over the place, I thought it only existed where I use to live. You story sounds to crazy to be true, but I know it is true. Sounds like the woman next to your Mom, is possesed. She needs drugs, or a Priest, the woman HELL-EN is scary. Tell G MOM I'm so sorry she has to go through all of this BS, hope things change SOON! If she threatens GM call the police, this Hell woman could have been America's Most Wanted in her younger years.