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Even if you have never experienced Infant or Pregnancy Loss, or if you have or know someone who has. PLEASE, DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! I beg of you to do everything in your power to STOP this from happening. If not to stop one more mother and father from having to experience horrible more grief. It's hard enough to get past your due date, the first Christmas and the first Birthday without your child. I can't even imagine having to add the anniversairy of calling the police to report horrible my miscarriage. Posted by: Heather | January 08, 2005 at 09:57 PM This is crazy!! I had a miscarriage before I or my doctor even knew that I was pregnant. It was so early that it barely registered on the test at the Dr.s office. He even said that he couldn't say with 100% certainty that I was having a miscarriage but that that was most likely what was happening. How would I have handled that?