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She then takes up to 15 minutes to decide she doesn't know the answer.Cue her sisters trannysex cat, she walks past me, sits at the side of the board watching. After a couple trannysex of minutes she bats one of the pieces clear of the board gets up and walks back past me, I'm sure she was smirking.The trannysex game was abandoned because her mother was "getting tired". I'd almost lost the will to live but went to find a saucer of cream. (Yellow Car, Fri 24 Dec 2004, 9:52) Top/Bottom 3 1986-Drunk uncle accidently shoots hole in roof during family argument at Grandmother's House, cue police and helicopters.....oh the shame....2000-On the rocks with live-in bf, decide to drink a bottle of wine before we attend dinner at my mother's drunk I stand on balconey conversing and when mom turns head vomit over railing discreetly....pass