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and "Well.." when my partner suddenly looks up at the deceased and says to me "That must be the biggest footfetish Christmas hanging ornament I’ve ever seen”.I guess you had to be there... (emadex, Fri footfetish 24 Dec 2004, 0:08) Christmas pud anyone ? My Gran is of an age where bowel and brain control can be difficult.Last year, during christmas dinner (and a large glass of footfetish sherry), a pretty nasty smell was followed by an uncomfortable shuffling by my gran. "Sprouts ! - that's what the smell is" I thought - and hoped. Only when mum suggested my gran stand up, did we see the full extent of the problem. After an earlier "accident" my gran, now pantless, had shat herself. As she stood up, pieces of brown goodness fell to the floor. She picked one up, presenting it to us all. "Christmas pudding anyone ?" she said. I laughed out loud, my mum didn't see the funny side. We've never spoken of it again. (dogfish, Fri 24 Dec 2004, 7:36) thermo-related animal disasters One Christmas eve it was uber cold outside, I can't remember how cold but definitely below zero.