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At one point, there were so many cocks thrusting in her face that I college commented that she looked like a water bowl in a snake pit. 'Oh, you better make that a college python cage,' Lynne said before deep-throating one monster dick, and not her husband's. Her new Secret Service name is college 'Shiny Teeth.' Oh, but I kid, I kid Lynne and, you know, it's ridiculous to say anything like that about Condi 'cause she's gay. Oh, no, she's not, at least not when she comes up for air from munching on Mary Cheney. Uh-oh, George is gonna be powerful mad that I revealed his jerk-off fantasy. Don't worry, honey, I won't tell them about the time I caught you masturbating to that picture of your mother, the one where you said you wanted to give her a pearl necklace because she wasn't wearing one.
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