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So you know what? I'm not going to waste my breath on it. Just don't break my balls, don't break your author mother's balls. Go kill yourself." Since Louis was a rebellious kid, Nick and Fran were glad that they didn't live in Bensonhurst. In Staten Island, they could keep an eye on him and keep him off author the streets, and away from the people nobody liked to talk about. Everybody knew them. They were in the family. They were cousins and author uncles. Friends. People down the block. Nick used to shine shoes at the Club 62 on Fort Hamilton Parkway, where the men in the tailored suits would give him $30 tips- at a time when his father took home $50 a week. It was hard to grow up in Bensonhurst and not know Guys. Fran and Nick had friends, relatives, in that life. They weren't proud of them, didn't boast about them. They were just there. Friends like Gerard and Butchie.
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