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Sign Up to Receive Our exquisite Newsletters The Mercy Room by Gilles Rozier 1 If you want me to tell you the story, put some Schumann on; the music will bring my memories back. exquisite Lieder, exquisite yes . . . let's start with Schöne Wiege meiner Leiden. TUMty TUMty TUMty TUMty - four of the most inspired of all German trochees. I'll dim the light. Let the tea steep for a few minutes, would you? I like a drop of milk in it, Chinese tea. This is my grandmother's teapot. Very old, although it may not look it. It was a wedding present from her godmother, just back from Hong Kong, where her husband had been working for an English firm. My grandmother married a year before my mother's birth, in 1889, so you can see how old it is . . . The fat one in the middle is my mother. On her left is my sister Isabelle with her husband, Jean-Louis, next to her. On Isabelle's lap, her daughter France. She can't have been more than a year old at the time. On my mother's right, my other sister, Anne; her husband had already been liquidated by the Resistance.