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And those hungry angry people were all just stage props, actors taken from the theater...the real people were all shot by the National Guard and their bodies stacked like cord wood at GITMO. celebrities The left has gone completely batty!! Posted by: Steffan on September 4, 2005 at 9:33 AM | PERMALINK Tends to be slightly more left-wing in sensibility than its rival ARD. No. It's exactly celebrities the other way around. It was founded celebrities after pressure by the conservatives. Posted by: Felix Deutsch on September 4, 2005 at 9:41 AM | PERMALINK " Someone else will always come to their rescue. It's always someone else's responsibility." Hmmm.....sounds like a dead-on description of Bush - who has NEVER had to face the consequeunces of any of his actions, always bailed out by Daddy's rich friends and even as President, always blaming others.