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i think that it is gods way of saying that it wasn't ment to be at that time. u shouldn't be put in jail or have to pay a foot fine just because u didn't report having a miscarriage. they happen all the time all over the world and most of the time are not noticed because it is with in the first few weeks. and so it is not possibe to ever know how foot many happen or why they happen. Posted by: lisa jewell | January 22, foot 2006 at 03:39 PM Post a comment If you have a TypeKey or TypePad account, please Sign In You are currently signed in as (nobody). Sign Out Name: Email Address: URL: Remember personal info? Comments: DFV DFA/DFV Links Arlington for Democracy Blog for America Democracy for America Roanoke DFA Tidewater for Democracy Virginia DFA/DFV Meetups Virginia Grassroots Coalition VA Blogroll 750 Volts Brian Patton Commonwealth Commonsense Documenting Democracy GOTV My Own Backyard Raising Kaine The Virginia Progressive Virginia Family Values PAC Virginia Young Democrats Weblog Waldo Jaquith Watchdogging the VA Legislature Get Involved Join the DFV Legislative Sentry Email List Virginia Links Public Policy Virginia Tim Kaine For Governor Virginia Young Democrats Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia Local VA Democratic Organizations Virginians for Tax Fairness Democratic Party of Virginia Subscribe to this blog's feed Stories incest free board