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Posted by: Tim | January 11, 2005 at 02:41 PM THIS IS SUCH A INVASION OF swinging PRIVACY . A WOMENS BODY CAN MISCARRY NATURALLY AND YOUR TELLING ME THE GOVERNMENT WOULD LIKE TO PUNISH US FOR THAT ?INSUATING THAT WOMEN WISH FOR A MISCARRIAGE ? COULD SOMEONE BE THIS STUPID . THIS IS SO UNBELIVABLE !!! SO IF SOMEONES HEART STOPS BEATING ARE WE SAYING THEY COMMITED SUCIDE ? swinging I HOPE THAT I DONT LIVE IN A STATE WHERE SUCH INGORANCE IS USED TO TRY AND CREATE SOME BULLSHIT LAW . swinging OPRESSION COMES MASKED IN FREEDOM Posted by: margaret | January 11, 2005 at 10:10 PM I think this is a good idea....a doctor should be held accountable for reporting how many children he or she kills and the mother should also be held accountable. The law is specifically dealing with abandoned babies left to die and aborted babies. GO COSGROVE!!! Posted by: Johnny Bravo | January 10, 2005 11:33 PM Have you been drinking???