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It's Vermont. The Assembly house isn't far-away from anywhere. sexy woman having sex __________________ Number sexy woman having sex one sexy woman having sex political quote of 2005: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job". --George W. Bush E. Rosewater View Public Profile Send a private message to E. Rosewater Find all posts by E. Rosewater Add E. Rosewater to Your Buddy List   #8   02-26-2006, 01:56 PM OCRepub Registered User   Join Date: Mar 2002 Location: Larry-land Posts: 20,564 Quote: Originally Posted by ThomasDad You might want to try sourcing your stories from somewhere other than FOX News. They really butchered the copy on this one. The Jessica's Law connection would be irrelevant in this story; had FOX not cut this out of their version, you'd have known: Police said Schweikert, who resigned from her job at E.B.
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