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Password Register FAQ Members List Search Today's Posts Mark Forums Read 1 2 3 4 5 > Last »   Thread Tools Search this Thread Rate Thread Display Modes   #1   02-26-2006, 05:13 AM SLK230 Computer Man   Join 13 year old girl sex Date: Jul 2001 Location: Tucson and Loving It (Formerly San Juan Capistrano, Ca) Posts: 10,264 13 year old girl sex Teacher Who Confessed to Having Sex with Student Also Owned Training 13 year old girl sex Center for Cheer Laurens, SC Teacher Who Confessed to Having Sex with Student Also Owned Training Center for Cheerleaders Feb 25, 2006, 10:01 PM MST ********************We need more Jessica's laws (or similar) passed in more states. We must protect our children with mandatory sentences. This must be a 1 strike and your out for at least 20 years.*************** Wendie Schweikert, the 36 year-old teacher who police say confessed to having sex with her 11 year-old student is at the a detention center in Laurens. The woman who used to stand in front of a chalkboard, stood in front of a judge Saturday morning during a bond hearing charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct with a minor.
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