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two years befor my dad is died leaving me and my mom everything he could leve. as a resuld we have a good house and small busenes some of cash on my bank account.i am now handil my dad busines footfetish is going well very good incomming for meall my life i have been reckless when in come to handling house chores. i never bothered aboud footfetish them.after my dad is nomore i will one of the take care my house footfetish and my mom. now i do well ran my in out family expences.now i am only for responsibilty my family.so when my dad is left after that my mom is very sad.if i tell that if u not beleve when my dad is with as my mom so happy she wearing very sexy dress.good make up.she watch all love story moves.she was very active now not active after my dad left already pss for one month. this one month she not tell anything no complined.but one day,she just busted on me,she cursed me i am irresponsible and no-good wondere and this and that,she told me that i am the man of the house and i shout take care off all the acctivitis my dad used to do the household.i