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a month. Add the other two and we're up to about 300.00 a month. This doesnt even include the obscene amt for testing materials which could add up to 150-200 a month! The only Bush I trust is my own - I want my freaking democracy back! My Little Tribe by mytribe on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 08:23:39 AM PDT Where Does You Mom Live? mad about (none / 0) Lots of states have medicare prescription drug counseling services. I worked for one for a few months last year. It was run independently by a nonprofit legal services mad about organization and it could be counted on to help seniors objectively sort out this mess. Other states probably have some sort of counterpart (I can't remember if the funding was state or federal). Try googling (name of your mom's state) area agency on aging and see or (name of your mom's state) Medicare part D and see what resources pop up. Good luck.