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But in truth, I'm just going to have to tell the truth: heresy I have no friggin idea what all this junk mail means. by daulton on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:39:15 AM PDT More Subtle... (none / 0) I have heresy no fricken' clue. Why don't you ask your local Republican party chair to explain it to you? Or maybe you can send a letter to Fox? "[A] 'Sharecropper's Society' heresy [is] precisely where our trade policies, supported by Republicans and Democrats alike, are taking us." - Warren Buffet by RichM on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:47:23 AM PDT [ Parent ] Rich, what a great idea (none / 0) Just wait for this thing to hit. The misery it will bring could out-Katrina, Katrina. The complexity is fearsome. And I wish some brilliant Kossacks would figure out the real, scandalous intent above and beyond the K Street giveaways. by nyceve on Tue Oct 04, 2005 at 07:52:13 AM PDT [ Parent ] It is a joke (none / 1) I'm on medicare/disability but don't qualify for these drug breaks- I'm on disability, my husband works for home depot and he's on more meds than me.