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Like maybe "health" related something or other? It seems too blatantly an invasion of privacy to me. Posted by: Maia | January 06, 2005 at 11:32 AM Wow, where to wrongfully terminated start with pointing out what's wrong with this bill! From a medical point of view, the bill is ridiculous. wrongfully terminated (I'm not in Virginia, but saw a link on the DFA Blog and came here.) I'm a family-practice nurse practioner, and provide GYN/OB care for women. "Miscarriages" happen wrongfully terminated in 30% to 50% of all first trimester (up to week 12 LMP) pregnancies. This is a natural happening and there is absolutely nothing modern medicine can do to stop. The spont Abos are most likely due to genetic problems "not compatible with life" as we say in medical terms. Medically speaking, there are spontaneous abortions which may be "complete" or "missed". There's also "threatened," but never mind that now.