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It was locked up tighter than Alcatraz and I didn't know what I was 2001 going to do. All the schools... [Read More] 2001 Tracked on January 07, 2005 at 10:31 PM » What the hell is wrong with people? from Household Opera If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention. I'm too angry to add any further comment. But if you, like me, live in Virginia, perhaps you would 2001 consider sending the delegate who proposed this bill an e-mail explaining the sheer [Read More] Tracked on January 08, 2005 at 12:24 AM » There are Sharks off the Virginia Coast from Cranial Cavity There is also some shark jumping going on in the State House of Reps. Consider the leap John A. Cosgrove (Rep) of Chesapeake has taken. His proposal HB1677 "Report of Fetal Death by Mother," Penalty would make it a crime for a women to report a mis-c... [Read More] Tracked on January 08, 2005 at 02:18 AM » I Tried, Honest, I Really Did from Ilyka Damen I have been a bad blogger, a lazy blogger, a bad lazy bad bad blogger.