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You are in fact telling us how certain story's are of no interest to YOU, and of the important president bush stories (acording to you) that we missed! I thought we lived in a democracy and majority ruled! So if your unhappy with president bush your news stations, you obviously have a computer and you obviously use it so view what you want and let us do the same. You had the freedom of choice not to watch this story or the updates and yet you knew more about this case than I did! So spend president bush your time focusing on your NEWS! Sorry for the obvious grammatical errors i didn" want to waste anymore time on this I wanted to catch the news! "To repeat what others have said, requires education; to challenge it, requires brains." BEST USAR NAME EVAR by Sgt York, 07/28/2005 11:29:46 AM EST (3.00 / 3) help by ignorance is bliss, 07/28/2005 06:57:48 PM EST (none / 0) Ironic sig by Sgt York, 07/29/2005 02:09:41 AM EST (none / 0) York- too complicated to comprehend?