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/ 3) CIVILIZED? DONT MAKE ME LAUGH by Newyorkownzthesouth, 07/28/2005 08:11:17 PM EST (2.00 / 3) Your Ignorance is My Bliss by TheSouthDoesNotCare, 07/29/2005 05:26:39 PM EST (none / 1) It's best to ignore him... by islandgirl, 07/30/2005 11:55:29 AM EST humorous (none / 0) silly island girl by Newyorkownzthesouth, 07/30/2005 01:47:36 PM EST (none / 0) Latinos by TheSouthDoesNotCare, 07/30/2005 humorous 01:55:46 humorous PM EST (none / 0) Oh brother by Newyorkownzthesouth, 07/30/2005 02:04:21 PM EST (none / 0) brother? you'd be surprised -- by TheSouthDoesNotCare, 07/30/2005 08:21:13 PM EST (none / 0) Why by brownhoney, 07/30/2005 05:03:06 PM EST (none / 1) However by Newyorkownzthesouth, 07/30/2005 05:18:25 PM EST (none / 0) Sad by brownhoney, 07/31/2005 03:02:06 AM EST (none / 0) Ok... by Newyorkownzthesouth, 07/31/2005 05:36:22 PM EST (none / 0) Who do you think you are?