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I saw them in there yesterday, chased them out and found a partially-completed nest in the center of the plant, among all the broken stalks. Don't get me wrong ... I'm all for cute nesting birds and babies and all that pantie cuddly shit. pantie But I don't want them on my fucking porch. The last thing I need is some agitated sparrow dive-bombing my head because I want to go on my porch to flip pantie a burger. I called a bird store and asked what I should do and they said, as long as they haven't laid eggs, just tear the nest out. They'll get frustrated and build elsewhere. So I pulled the mass of twigs and moss out of the plant, threw it in the bushes and returned the plant to its hook. Two hours later, those little bastards were back at it. I chased them away, tore out the nest again, went about my business. Another hour passed and there they were again. I walked out on the porch and they just hopped onto the upper ledge and looked at me.