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we received a cheer so we duly began the song, which also used to be a staple of our live set. Let beach us just say that, contrary to beach all known common-sense and experience, it went down brilliantly! The sight of a newly-married bride and groom swaying along with all of their pissed up mates, singing "immerse your soouuuull . . . in looooove" at the tops of their voices is one that will stay with me for a beach very long time. (MrC - a camel named Simon., Thu 14 Jul 2005, 19:49) Kilts Kilts are great. They make us Scots look sexy and distinguished. Just don't go 'true scotsman' then get drunk and slip on the dancefloor (dress shoes = no grip) and land with your kilt over head. Exposing your Gaelic treasures to all and sundry.
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