Straight across to Connecticut’. rape rays radio

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Straight across to Connecticut’. My mother ‘A place such as this, whoever imagined?’ I want to do photojournalism, like Ant Rea, Mom’s "screwed up sister". Ant Rea in the bylines of the headlines - Palestine, Israel, Beirut, and phased by Nothing. Except by the guise of my mother. ‘FORTY years alive Rea and still NO husband.’ Ant Rea’s heart sinks, but I love her, when radio she smiles at my mother and says ‘Fuck off Fuck off!’ I’m into taking portraits of the locals radio with my second hand 35mm Nikon. I make radio sure the features of my subjects are out of focus. My family thinks I’m talent less. Friends say subversive. Our gang’s beginning to splinter into sub-genres, virgins and sluts, passengers and drivers. Some of us still hitchhike on weekends to the Hamptons. In the beginning I was so out of my comfort zone but still I risked it.
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