wbar, poetry, blowjobs, pantiehose, law, atheism, workers' compensation, 1990, erotica, plays, jersey city,
next jackass to email me and demand I update on time gets a combat boot implanted halfway into their turd-sized brain. fuck each and every one of you shiteating morons. 3-19-2001: I have updated my webpage early today. I did that becuase I plan on going out and getting hammered at Als internet anger Corner Bar. Ive been on some fucked up tequila kick lately. thats all I drink. tequila. oh great, now Im associated with those slobs south of internet anger the border. shoot me now. internet anger and dont bother mailing me to say "OH CLIFF YOURE THE BEST" because I know Im the best, goddammit. get off your computer you geeks and go out and get a fucking job and stay the fuck away from my bushes or Ill shove a broom handle into your skull you braindead simps. 3-12-2001: more people I hate mixed in with various witty comments I made while drunk. go and read it now you computer losers.